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Growing importance of new 5G realms of measurement in 2020: what will they bring?

Undoubtedly, all the tools that allow us to estimate technology-based solutions have to adjust in order to keep customers updated and be able to follow cutting-edge practices. 

The widest and most resonant deployment, for sure, will be the one related to 5G technologies, which are generally characterized by 2 main traits: using higher frequencies and smaller geometries. To support these peculiarities and provide a stable growth the following procedures will be arranged:

• For design specifications and validations of new electronic products and solutions different tools, specifications and terminology will be used

• Over the air testing, antenna systems and measurements will be incorporated into the core engineering curriculum, as well as new classes and labs for design and simulation

• Development of new measurement science (in calibration, hardware and software)

As predicted, the same dominant position of software in implementation processes will lead to a higher interoperability of software-on-software measurement among software tool chains. This triggers some need for more detailed requirements to certification and customer informing to let them know what software products can be capable of.

Moreover, based on drastic growth of GPUs and chips usage it’s predicted that upcoming rise in specialized processors enabling implementation of AI or AI architectures will demand new rules of identifying security, privacy and integrity. It also indicates potential growth of interest towards quantum engineering and computing, however, the methods of controlling, measuring and correcting these systems are questionable now and it seen as a key factor which will determine how successful these systems will be.

Among the other changes anticipate within the year horizon, we can surely name: globally connected data silos (using cloud solutions) to enable integrity and cooperation (to some extent) between companies worldwide, as well rapid collection and operations with data, high amount 5G based Data Centers and Checkpoints to handle speeds and increased demand of connection through a greater amount of nods (to ensure uninterrupted connection for all the requests), transfer from Internet of Things to “Interaction of things” due to a better mobility and more functions being engaged leading to “smarter” things and, finally, more digital twins to communicate real world objects’ features faster and more accurately.

All these changes are going to happen in 2020 because of a solid movement of 5G based networks form a narrow block available to a small percentage of people to a huge commercialized global technology covering the whole Earth, and all the telecom operators as well as customers, governments and other agents will face a completely new profile of network services.