MAPPLCOM Initiates Local Partnership For The Territory of Afghanistan

MAPPLCOM Initiates Strategic Local Partnership For The Territory of Afghanistan for Long Distance International Voice Hubbing Phose with UNITY INTEGRATION CONSULTING SERVICES LTD.
MAPPLCOM Initiates Strategic Local Partnership For The Territory of Afghanistan for Long Distance International Voice Hubbing Phose with UNITY INTEGRATION CONSULTING SERVICES LTD. The parties intend to establish partnership with respective interests in this local partnership in Afghanistan. The parties shall be conducting assigned roles in a good manner and they believe by assigning these roles and responsibilities to both Parties they will lead Local Partnership to smooth operations and significant achievements in Afghanistan with MAPPLCOM first phase global voice hubbing, aggregation, termination, roaming and transit; second phase VAS, including branchless mobile bank solutions, money transfer, biometric identification & registration, roaming-free SIM-card, 3D/4D shelving online global shopping platform, etc.
About UNITY INTEGRATION CONSULTING SERVICES LTD provides services which include consultancy and lobbyists with experience in government and as regulators internationally across jurisdictions with hubs in UAE, Qatar, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, USA, Russia, Europe, China, India, etc. GRPP practice is also an integral part of UNITY’s risk advisory offering and supports the work for clients in areas including dispute resolution and litigation, and project implementation in a high risk areas.
About MAPPLCOM® is a leading global provider of Award-Winning Next Generation technologies, products & services for mobile traffic transit, for telecom, banking & insurance services, for monitoring, surveillance, security & control systems. MAPPLCOM specialises in Next Generation Networks (IP-NGN), Voice/Data Compression Codecs and operates IPX-MPLS Backbone Platforms and IP Fusion NGN Networks to deliver high-quality and cost-effective services to operators, carriers, customers and suppliers around the globe.