Accelerate Your Pace to Digital Business: Introducing MAPPLConnect™
Introducing MAPPLConnect™ – MAPPLCOM’s revolutionary NGN carrier-grade IP multimedia interconnect platform for seamless interworking between TDM and IP, and between different IP networks in line with IMS, VoLTE, IPX and IP standards
Breakthrough Voice Signal Compression Feature in MAPPLConnect™ environment
Voice wholesale business runs in the tight grip of heavy price wars where every 0,1 cent matters. Hundreds of millions minutes daily hit switches with a burden of heavy-weighed voice signal creating a need for more and more capacities. What if you could squeeze your capacities instead without any volume or quality loss and re-invest […]
MAPPLCOM published on 23.04.2019 -
Messengers: Allies or Foes to Voice Termination?
Voice termination market is being shaken again and again by alarming prophecies on voice players losing business to Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, WeChat and other messengers which offer “free” calls to any world destination. Indeed, in the eyes of the philistine person voice calls must vanish in the past like archaism of previous generation. From […]
MAPPLCOM published on 22.04.2019 -
MAPPLCOM Initiates Local Partnership For The Territory of Afghanistan
MAPPLCOM Initiates Strategic Local Partnership For The Territory of Afghanistan for Long Distance International Voice Hubbing Phose with UNITY INTEGRATION CONSULTING SERVICES LTD. MAPPLCOM Initiates Strategic Local Partnership For The Territory of Afghanistan for Long Distance International Voice Hubbing Phose with UNITY INTEGRATION CONSULTING SERVICES LTD. The parties intend to establish partnership with respective interests […]
MAPPLCOM published on 18.03.2019 -
The VoIP is Dead. Long Live the VoIP!
Rephrasing the famous exclamation “The King is dead. Long live the King!”, voice market observes revival of New-Era-VoIP. In recent half-decade sceptics predicted the death of voice wholesale transit due to aggressive pace of messenger introducing their voice call services. However, MAPPLCOM helps to the most advanced voice wholesale players successfully migrate their voice networks […]
MAPPLCOM published on 20.10.2018 -
MAPPLCOM creates a Partnership with IGW license holder in South Africa
MAPPLCOM published on 18.09.2018 -
EURO Technology Group is negotiating an acquisition of Vodafone Uganda
Following recent clashes between Afrimax and Vodafone on the business performance of its Ugandan subsidiary, EURO Technology Group is negotiating to take over Vodafone business in Uganda from Afrimax in order to establish a strong presence in 4G technologies in the country.
MAPPLCOM published on 20.04.2018 -
The Philosophy of the Leader
Faheem Fazal Chaudhary Founder & President MAPPLCOM & EURO Technology Group “Our consistent approach to product development is to never replicate existing, but to create something from nothing and produce new value by setting unique standards. Since 1998, we research, design, develop and deploy our proprietary products and services for government, service providers & operators, […]
MAPPLCOM published on 10.03.2018 -
The Great Mission
We intend to contribute to the advancement of humankind and infrastructure by improving our own technologies and constantly seeking to re-invent ourselves Our consistent approach to product development is to never replicate existing, but to create something from nothing and produce new value by setting unique standards Our customers find us unique in many ways, […]
MAPPLCOM published on 7.03.2018 -
The Head of UCC Mr. Godfrey Mutabazi discussed Ugandan Telecom development opportunities with EURO Technology Group
MAPPLCOM published on 8.12.2017 -