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New ecosystems and innovative solutions are seen as the main drivers of LTE/5G private wireless networks deployment

Business communications and applications constantly require intensification of reliability and data security mechanisms as well as more efficient performance. Huge companies are striving to find cutting edge solutions to ensure overcoming currently existing technological constraints and capacities of employed networks. It’s widely believed that while addressing future issues, the central role will be played by LTE/5G private wireless networks, and this is why major digitalization projects in healthcare, education and energy industries are concentrated around private networks-based solutions, and this trend is going to be supported by manufacturing units and transportation companies.

The ability of privately established companies to have their own networks is generally guaranteed by Citizen Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) band – the authority that provides access to cellular spectrum. Taking this fact into consideration, a Spectrum Access System (SAS) is still required to secure this access and minimize interfering of licensed band users, and enterprises still have to interact with FCC-certified SAS companies (there are currently 5 of them) in order not to become a victim of shared nature of CBRS.  Even though private wireless networks seem to be a way more advantageous tool compared to “classic” Wi-Fi solutions, most companies still prefer combining several network technologies for both hedging and using different network types for specific activities. Specialists assume that this hybrid nature of deployed solutions will stay as it is in the future: mixture of networks is more reliable as the new networks are more complicated in deployment, installation and usage, and demand special maintenance procedures performed by systems integrators (which offer a range of such activities as design, integration, deployment itself, operating). Proper components integration and appropriate network design are really crucial to make private networks a popular solution among enterprises. As it became clear several years ago with the rise of ecosystems, the deployment of the networks itself is also surrounded by suppliers of equipment, providers of software and integrators. Powerful integrators in the sphere will extract significant value from their ability to tie all these activities together under their governance.

Many players in the corporate solutions market question what is an anticipated role of mobile network operators. Expert report that the latest research suggests they will continue to be a driver of expected changes, making new spectrum available to a growing number of companies. Another significant trend is a growing number of application spheres for this type of networks: benefits are widely recognized for educational activities, home-based studies, factory automation, machine manufacturing processes digitalization, coordination of traffic and many others. The positive side of all these trends is, undeniably, triggered increase in investments in private wireless networks – the things that ensure the experts that more significant development of the technology is yet to come.